3rd July 2024

Search Dronfield Town Council

Serving the people of Dronfield

Members of Dronfield Town Council

Dronfield Town Council has eight wards covering the Town itself:

Dronfield South, Dronfield North, Gosforth Valley, Coal Aston, Dronfield Bowshaw, Dronfield Dyche, Dronfield Summerfield, Dronfield Woodhouse.

There are 19 members who are re-elected every 4 years and the list of current Councillors can be seen below.

The next elections will be held in May 2027.

The Town Mayor, Deputy Town Mayor, Leader and Deputy leader are elected annually at the May meeting.

The current 2024-25 Town Mayor is Cllr Pam Jones.

The current 2024-25 Deputy Town Mayor is Cllr Susan Burkitt.

Dronfield South Ward

Dronfield North Ward

Gosforth Valley Ward

Coal Aston Ward

Dronfield Dyche Ward

Dronfield Summerfield Ward

Dronfield Bowshaw Ward

Dronfield Woodhouse Ward


Any complaints about Councillors are dealt with by North East Derbyshire District Council.

The Monitoring Officer for North East Derbyshire District Council, Sarah Sternberg, is responsible for all member complaints and will consider each complaint in accordance with the new Councillor Complaints Policy.

All complaints against a councillor should be referred to the Monitoring Officer and can either be done so via post or by email, using the contact details provided below:-

The Monitoring Officer – Sarah Sternberg
North East Derbyshire District Council
2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth
Chesterfield, S42 6NG

Email: monitoringofficer@ne-derbyshire.gov.uk

Please mark all correspondence PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL

Your other Local Elected Representatives

North East Derbyshire District Council

Dronfield North

Cllr Graham Baxter (Labour)

Cllr Christine Smith (Labour)

Dronfield South

Cllr David Cheetham (Labour)

Cllr William Jones (Conservative)

Cllr Caroline Smith (Labour)

Coal Aston

Cllr Mark Foster (Conservative)

Cllr Richard Spooner (Conservative)

Dronfield Woodhouse

Cllr Kevin Tait (Conservative)

Gosforth Valley

Cllr Lilian Deighton (Conservative)

Cllr Michelle Emmens (Conservative)

Cllr Richard Welton (Conservative)

Derbyshire County Council

Coal Aston - part of the Killamarsh and Eckington Division

Cllr Mark Foster (Conservative)
Cllr Carolyn Renwick (Conservative)

Dronfield East

Cllr Alex Dale (Conservative)

Dronfield West and Walton

Cllr Angelique Foster (Conservative)

Member of Parliament

North East Derbyshire

Lee Rowley is the Conservative MP for North East Derbyshire, and was re-elected on 12th December 2019. He has been an MP continuously since 8th June 2017.

Constituency Address

Eckington Business Centre
Market Street
S21 4JH

Email - lee.rowley.mp@parliament.uk

Telephone - 01246 439 222

Last updated: Tue, 14 May 2024 09:58