3rd July 2024

Search Dronfield Town Council

Serving the people of Dronfield

Climate Emergency

At the September 2019 Council Meeting, Dronfield Town Council declared a climate emergency and resolved to take action, to the best of its ability, to help towards achieving a shift to zero carbon emissions by 2050, or sooner if possible.

It resolved to work within its remit to contribute to the targets as set out within government policies and will endeavour to reduce its carbon emissions accordingly.

The Council will also help promote and encourage environmentally friendly initiatives that will contribute to the protection of the local environment.

This follows on from the creation of the Environmental Advisory Committee early in 2019, whose remit is as follows;

  1. To consider matters of policy related to environmental services provided by the Town Council.
  2. To review possible environmental initiatives that the Town Council could undertake now and in the future.
  3. To recommend to the Budget Committee the budget required to undertake environmental initiatives in any one year.
  4. To make recommendations on the environmental impact of the Town Council's services and activities.

Ongoing activities and those already undertaken

Details of some of the activities already undertaken can be seen below;

- LED lighting has been installed throughout the car parks at Cliffe Park and Coal Aston.

- An electric vehicle is used by the Town Council's outside services team.

- Two wild flower meadows have been planted within Sindelfingen Park and at Hilltop, these are now an annual fixture.

- A number of trees have been given away to local residents as part of the Town Councils ongoing Tree Planting Project in partnership with Ferndale Garden Centre.

- Discussions are ongoing with Derbyshire County Council with regards to installing 'no idling' signage outside local primary schools.

- A grant was given to the Lea Brook Valley Project to provide all the materials to improve a footpath, which will hopefully encourage more people to walk to a local school.

- A grant has been given to support a local community event being organised by Plastic Free Dronfield.


- 20 new trees were planted in Sindelfingen Park and additional ones were planted at Birches Fold play area.


- A number of bird and bat boxes have been installed in the parks and Cemetery.

- Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have been commissioned to carry out a Bio-Diversity Audit on behalf of the Town Council.

- The Town Council adopted a Bio-Diversity Policy in March 2024.

- A further 20 new trees have been planted in parks across the town to replace those that have been felled for various reasons.

Last updated: Thu, 09 May 2024 13:58