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Lee Rowley MP Local Resident Surgeries

Lee Rowley MP Local Resident Surgeries

Lee Rowley, MP for North East Derbyshire, holds regular surgeries all around the constituency to allow residents to raise any issues or concerns with him.

Resident surgeries can cover any topic, local or national, but are often the place to discuss issues such as:

  • problems involving Government departments - such as the DWP, Home Office or HMRC on issues such as benefits, tax or immigration
  • difficulties associated with the District or County Councils - where Lee can take up queries regarding roads, bins or our local area. Lee does not have power to make or reverse decisions but is happy to take matters up on behalf of residents to see if progress can be made
  • housing issues - whether involving Rykneld Homes, social housing provider in the constituency or other landlords

He operates an appointments based system to ensure everyone has the opportunity to discuss their particular concerns and, due to high demand, initial appointments are generally 15 minutes. Further appointments can then be arranged as necessary.

Lee's upcoming surgeries are:

  • 7th September 2019 - Clay Cross
  • 12th October 2019 - Dronfield
  • 16th November 2019 - Killamarsh
  • 7th December 2019 - Cutthorpe

If you would like to make an appointment for a surgery, please get in touch with the office on 01246 439222 or by emailing lee.rowley.mp@parliament.uk. A time will be confirmed and location details will be sent through.

Posted: Thu, 5 Sep 2019

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