3rd July 2024

Search Dronfield Town Council

Serving the people of Dronfield

Play areas to reopen from Monday 6th July

Play areas to reopen from Monday 6th July

Following the latest Government guidance, we are working towards reopening local play areas from Monday 6th July, with new guidance in place for users of the equipment.

Signage will be displayed in all play areas with the following safety advice and there will also be advice on the maximum number of children that each play area can accommodate safely;

- Judge the risk of COVID-19 to you and your family before entering the play area - you use the play area at your own risk

- If you or anyone in your family are unwell please do not use the play area

- Wash and sanitise your hands before and after using the play area and try not to touch your face while playing

- Use wipes to clean down touch points before and after using equipment

- Please note some equipment may be out of use for social distancing reasons

- Remember to social distance from people outside of your bubble and remain 2m apart where possible

- Refrain from eating or drinking in the play area

- Please dispose of any litter in the bins provided

Thank you to all residents for their cooperation and please help us keep each other safe.

Posted: Thu, 2 Jul 2020

Tags: News, Parks