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Derbyshire enters tier 3 COVID-19 restrictions from 2 December

Derbyshire enters tier 3 COVID-19 restrictions from 2 December

The whole of Derbyshire has been placed in the highest Tier 3 Covid Very High alert level from just after midnight, December 2, after national lockdown restrictions comes to an end.

This means:

- Meeting with friends and family: No mixing of households indoors, or most outdoor places, apart from support bubbles.

- Maximum of six in some outdoor public spaces (e.g. parks, public gardens).

- Hospitality: Bars, Pubs and Restaurants Hospitality is closed, with the exception of sales by takeaway, drive-through or delivery.

- Shops: Retail, including 'non-essential shops' are able open.
Working and business: Everyone who can work from home should continue do so.

- Education: Schools, colleges and universities can remain open. Childcare, other supervised activities for children, and childcare bubbles are also permitted.

- Leisure centres: Indoor leisure is permitted; however, group activities and classes should not take place.

- Travel: Should avoid travelling outside your area, other than where necessary such as for work or education. Reduce the number of journeys where possible. Plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. Avoid car sharing with those outside of your household or support bubble.

- Sport: Adult sport can take place outdoors, but people should avoid higher-risk contact activity. Group exercise activities and sports indoors should not take place, unless with your household or bubble. Organised activities for elite athletes, under-18s and disabled people can continue.

- Residential care: COVID-secure arrangements such as substantial screens, visiting pods, and window visits. Outdoor/airtight visits only (rollout of rapid testing will enable indoor visits inc. contact).

- Hotels: Accommodation Closed (with limited exceptions)
Overnight stays: Avoid staying overnight outside of your area, unless necessary for work or education.
Weddings and funerals: Up to 15 guests permitted for weddings, civil partnerships and wakes; 30 for funerals. Wedding receptions not permitted.

- Entertainment: Indoor venues closed.

- Places of Worship: Open but cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble.

- Large events: Events should not take place. Drive-in events permitted.

For further information regarding government's local alert levels, please click on the link: Local restriction tiers: what you need to know - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

For further guidance regarding restrictions around Christmas please check out the government website. Making a Christmas bubble with friends and family - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Posted: Wed, 2 Dec 2020

Tags: COVID-19, News