3rd July 2024

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Investigation into the status of Upper School Lane - Dronfield

Investigation into the status of Upper School Lane - Dronfield

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Section 53

Continuous Review of the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way – Investigation into the status of Upper School Lane - Dronfield

Derbyshire County Council is aware of evidence indicating that Upper School Lane, Dronfield ought to be added to the definitive map and statement of public rights of way in Derbyshire.

The County Council has a duty under section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to keep the definitive map and statement under continuous review and, where it appears that there is evidence that a particular right of way ought either to be added to the definitive map and statement or have its existing status changed in some way, to make the requisite definitive map modification order (DMMO) to modify the map and statement.

The County Council would be pleased to receive any information residents might be able to provide which you consider may be relevant to the Council's investigation into its status, e.g. any documents (including old maps, plans or photographs) which provide evidence of the history of the route, any evidence of how it has been used by the public in the past (including any relevant completed public user evidence forms), and any written statement of any personal experience you may have of the route.

Should you have personal knowledge of the route and would like to complete a public user evidence form for the County Council to consider, please send an email to hannah.roberts@derbyshire.gov.uk . Please quote the Council's reference in any correspondence (100976).

Please note that under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 the only factors of relevance to the Council's determination whether or not to make an Order modifying the definitive map and statement of public rights of way are those relating to the existence or acquisition of public access rights. This is because the process is intended to determine, regardless of what physical circumstances might exist on the ground nowadays, the nature of any public access rights existing over the particular route in question.

Any relevant information or comments you wish the County Council to consider with regard to this investigation should be received by 1 July 2021. Please ensure that you quote reference number (100976) in your response.

Posted: Tue, 15 Jun 2021

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