3rd July 2024

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Serving the people of Dronfield

Hallowes 5G mast plan shelved

As part of the roll-out of 5G across the country, Three UK sought to install a 20m monopole supporting six antennas, one wrap-around cabinet at base, two equipment cabinets, an electricity meter cabinet and ancillary equipment besides the junction of Hallowes Drive and Hazel Close.

The site has previously been identified in Dronfield's Neighbourhood Plan as a Local Green Space. While the proposal was still at the pre-application stage, concerned residents met with local councillor Kevin Tait to discuss the proposed mast.

The Town Council has written to Three UK raising concerns and highlighting how the proposed use of the site would be contrary to the Policy ENV5 in Dronfield's Neighbourhood Plan, the National Planning Framework and the Local Plan Policy SDC12.

Three UK have replied, stating after careful consideration to the consultation responses received they can confirm their decision not to submit a planning permission application.

Coun Kevin Tait commented. "We are very supportive of the roll-out of 5G and improved 4G connectivity but this must not be to the detriment of residents. Our local green spaces are in our Neighbourhood Plan for a reason. They are used by local communities and provide open spaces for all to enjoy."

Posted: Tue, 30 Aug 2022

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