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Serving the people of Dronfield

Remembrance Day Commemorations - Sunday 13th November 2022

Remembrance Day Commemorations - Sunday 13th November 2022

Dronfield Town Council would like to invite the community to come together to honour those who served and remember their sacrifice on Sunday 13th November 2022

Everyone is welcome to attend, and we invite former servicemen and women – or their relatives – to wear their medals and take part. The medals awarded to a deceased Service / ex – Service person may be worn on the right breast by a near relative (mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, daughter, or son)

Remembrance Day Parade

The service at the War Memorial will be led by The Bishop of Repton, Rt Rev Malcolm Macnaughton.

The programme for the event is as follows:

10.15 am

The parade will assemble in School Lane

10.35 am

The parade departs


The parade arrives at the war memorial. Hymns will then be sung.


The Last Post will be played.

11.00 am

Two minutes silence. The naming of the war dead will be read out before local groups and organisations lay wreaths at the base of the Memorial. This will be followed by further hymns and prayers before the parade makes its way back down the High Street to School Lane.

Following the service, the Parade will move off, halting outside the Parish Church to give those wishing to attend the final indoor part of the service the opportunity to enter the Church, prior to the Parade's dismissal in School Lane.

Church Service

Immediately after the service at the War Memorial, attendees are warmly invited to Dronfield Parish Church for a short service led by Reverend Ian Webb.

A collection will be taken in the Church, the proceeds of which will be sent to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Road Closures

Please be advised that there will be road closures in place on High Street, Church Street, Lea Road and School Lane to enable the parade to take place.

Please note that the road closures will affect access to the Civic Centre car park, as vehicles will not be able to get in or out during this time. Where possible every step will be taken to minimise the impact of the road closures.

Please use the car park on Farwater Lane for unrestricted car park access.

Posted: Fri, 28 Oct 2022

Tags: Events, News, Remembrance, Remembrance Parade, Road Closure