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Serving the people of Dronfield

Remembrance Sunday - 13th November 2022

Remembrance Sunday - 13th November 2022

There was an incredible show of support from Dronfield residents for the 2022 Remembrance Sunday Parade on Sunday 13th November.

The parade started on School Lane to the Library Gardens and back again.

A Service of Remembrance, held from 10.55am at the War Memorial, was attended by service representatives, cadet, youth, and voluntary organisations. Church representatives were also present along with the crowds of families and individuals.

Two minutes silence was observed at 11am, as the Last Post was played. Wreaths were then laid at the side of the War Memorial on behalf of various groups and organisations. Town Mayor, Cllr Lilian Deighton, placed a wreath on behalf of the Town Council.

Sheffield Concert Band were accompanied by the Parish Church Choir with hymns. Service and prayers were lead by Rev Ian Webb and Rt Rev Malcolm Mcnaughton.

A big thank you to everyone who came out to support the parade and all participants on the day.

We will remember them, always.

Posted: Mon, 14 Nov 2022

Tags: Dronfield, Remembrance