3rd July 2024

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Serving the people of Dronfield


Christmas in Dronfield

Christmas in Dronfield

Christmas is coming to Dronfield this year.

Although there will be no event taking place for the Christmas Light Switch-on and despite the national restrictions that are currently in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Town Council will be installing and lighting extra large Christmas Trees around town, in addition to the one outside the Library.

There will be a Christmas Tree located in Sindelfingen... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 11 Nov 2020

Tags: Christmas

Remembrance Day Service 2020

Remembrance Day Service 2020

A small service was held this morning at the Dronfield War Memorial and then a number of local organisations laid wreaths at timed intervals.

We will remember them.

Posted: Sun, 8 Nov 2020

Tags: Remembrance

Message from the Leader of the Town Council

Message from the Leader of the Town Council

As we head into a second national lockdown, Dronfield Town Council will continue to do everything we can to support the people of Dronfield through these unprecedented times.

The Council have continued to work, throughout this time, with our partners and communities to help ensure we come through this challenge together. The residents and businesses of Dronfield have shown themselves to be an extremely... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 5 Nov 2020

Tags: COVID-19, News

Remembrance Day Service to be streamed via Facebook

Remembrance Day Service to be streamed via Facebook

A Remembrance Service will be taking place at the War Memorial on Sunday with a small number of invited attendees only permitted to attend.

Members of the public have been asked not to attend due to the national restrictions currently in place. However residents will still be able to watch the service via the Churches Together Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CTDD.Dronfield/.

A number of Remembrance... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 5 Nov 2020

Tags: Remembrance

National Lockdown - Community Centre Closures

National Lockdown - Community Centre Closures

Following the Prime Minister's announcement on 31 October regarding a second national lockdown, Gosforth Lodge, The Civic Hall and MUGA will all be closed from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December, pending further government statements.

More information: https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/social-health/health-and-wellbeing/health-protection/disease-control/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 3 Nov 2020

Tags: COVID-19, News

Community Action Grants

Community Action Grants

North East Derbyshire District Council has opened another bidding round for its Community Action Grants scheme which is open to constituted groups and non-constituted groups sponsored by an organisation who will act on their behalf operating in North East Derbyshire District to access up to £500 grant funding for projects taking place in the District that support NEDDC's Council Plan.

Groups which... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Tags: News

Remembrance Sunday 2020 - No Public Attendance

Remembrance Sunday 2020 - No Public Attendance

Remembrance Day is fast approaching, but the annual ceremony this year is being modified to ensure the safety of veterans and members of the public as the country battles the ongoing coronavirus situation.

Unfortunately due to the coronavirus situation there will be no parade taking place on Remembrance Sunday this year and members of the public are asked not to gather on that morning near the war memorial.... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Tags: Events, News

Sign up to Derbyshire Alerts

Sign up to Derbyshire Alerts

What is Derbyshire Alerts?

Derbyshire Alert if a free community messaging service that allows Derbyshire Police, Neighbourhood Watch and other key partners to distribute messages concerning community safety to the public quickly and effectively. It keeps you informed of local events and crimes in your area, and appeals for any witnesses or information.

Anybody can sign to the system and receive local... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Tags: News

Community Speed Watch - Volunteeers Needed

Community Speed Watch - Volunteeers Needed

Have you got some free time to spare to help tackle speeding in your local community?

Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a locally driven initiative allowing members of the community to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. CSW schemes are supported by local policing teams with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds.

What is Speed Watch?

The scheme aims to cater for the problem... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Tags: News

Dronfield Wellbeing Group

Dronfield Wellbeing Group

Dronfield Wellbeing Group is a new peer support group looking to connect with people who wish to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Peer support is about coming together to provide a listening ear to each other, sharing experience and resources, and strengthening our coping strategies to improve our mental health and wellbeing.

The group is supported by the Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Tags: Events, News

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